Jonathan D Cybulski, Nicolas N Duprey, Benoit Thibodeau, Moriaki Yasuhara, Naomi Geeraert, Nicole Leonard, Hubert B Vonhof, Alfredo Martínez-García, David M Baker. “Coral carbonate-bound isotopes reveal monsoonal influence on nitrogen sources in Southeastern China's Greater Bay Area from the mid-Holocene until the Anthropocene.” Marine Pollution Bulletin, 197, p. 115757. (2023) Available at:
Jonathan D. Cybulski, John Doherty, Carly LaRoche#, Kelly Donovan Gutkowski#, Zizhan Luo, Elizabeth J. Malloy, Laurel MacMillan, Laurie Raymundo, Kiho Kim. “Using coral holes to explore the historical ecology of Guam’s coral reefs.” Coral reefs 1-7. (2023).
Jonathan D. Cybulski, Kit Sum Leung, Carmen Oi Ning Leung, David M Baker, Terence Kin Wah Lee. “Isotopic tracing of de novo fatty-acid and sterol biosynthesis using 13C compound-specific stable isotope analysis.” STAR Protocols, (2023).
Mamo, Briony L., Jonathan D. Cybulski, Yuanyuan Hong, Paul G. Harnik, Anne Chao, Akira Tsujimoto, Chih-Lin Wei, David M. Baker, and Moriaki Yasuhara. "Modern biogeography of benthic foraminifera in an urbanized tropical marine ecosystem." Geological Society, London, Special Publications 529, no. 1 (2023): SP529-2022.
Robinson, Rebecca S., Sandi M. Smart, Jonathan D. Cybulski*, Kelton W. McMahon, Basia Marcks, and Catherine Nowakowski. "Insights from fossil-bound nitrogen isotopes in diatoms, foraminifera, and corals." Annual Review of Marine Science 15 (2023). 407-430.
Yasuhara, Moriaki*, Huai-Hsuan May Huang*, Markus Reuter*, Skye Yunshu Tian*, Jonathan D. Cybulski*, Aaron O’dea*, Briony L. Mamo et al. "Hotspots of Cenozoic tropical marine biodiversity." In Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, Volume 60, pp. 243-300. CRC Press, (2022).
Dillon, Erin M., Jaleigh Q. Pier, Jansen A. Smith, Nussaïbah B. Raja, Danijela Dimitrijević, Elizabeth L. Austin, Jonathan D. Cybulski
et al. "What is conservation paleobiology? Tracking 20 years of research and development." Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (2022): 1117.
Lüdecke T, Leichliter JN, Aldeias V, Bamford MK, Biro D, Braun DR, Capelli C, Cybulski JD, Duprey NN, Ferreira da Silva MJ, Foreman AD, Habermann JM, Haug GH, Martínez FI, Mathe J, Mulch A, Sigman DM, Vonhof H, Bobe R, Carvalho S and Martínez-García A. “Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen stable isotopes in modern tooth enamel: A case study from Gorongosa National Park, central Mozambique.” Front. Ecol. Evol. 10:958032. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2022.958032. (2022)
Cybulski, Jonathan D.*, Christina Skinner*, Zhongyue Wan, Carmen KM Wong#, Robert J. Toonen, Michelle R. Gaither, Keryea Soong, Alex SJ Wyatt, and David M. Baker. "Improving stable isotope assessments of inter‐and intra‐species variation in coral reef fish trophic strategies." Ecology and Evolution 12, no. 9 (2022): e9221
Robinson RS*, Smart SM*, Cybulski JD*, McMahon KW*, Marcks B*, Nowakowski C*. “Insights from Fossil-Bound Nitrogen Isotopes in Diatoms, Foraminifera, and Corals.” Volume 15: Annual Reviews in Marine Science. - in press
Etienne Mok, Carmen Oi-Ning Leung, Lei Zhou, Martina Mang Leng Lei, Hoi Wing Leung, Man Tong, Tin Lok Wong, Eunice Lau, Irene Oi-Lin Ng, Jin Ding, Jing-Ping Yun, Jun Yu, Hui-lian Zhu, Chi Ho Lin, Dan Lindholm, Kit Sum Leung, Cybulski JD,
David Baker, Stephanie Ma, and Terence Lee. “Caspase-3-induced activation of SREBP2 drives drug resistance via promotion of cholesterol biosynthesis in hepatocellular carcinoma.” Cancer Research. DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-21-2934. (2022)
Hong, Y., Yasuhara, M., Iwatani, H., Harnik, P.G., Chao, A., Cybulski, J.D., Liu, Y., Ruan, Y., Li, X. and Wei, C.L., 2021. Benthic ostracod diversity and biogeography in an urbanized seascape. Marine Micropaleontology, p.102067.
Cybulski JD. Hong Kong's Coral Assemblages Through Time: A Paleoecological and Geochemical Look at Human-driven Change. Dissertation. University of Hong Kong Libraries. (2021)
Andersson, A.A., Gibson, L., Baker, D.M., Cybulski, J.D., Wang, S., Leung, B., Chu, L.M. and Dingle, C., 2021. Stable isotope analysis as a tool to detect illegal trade in critically endangered cockatoos. Animal Conservation, 24(6), pp.1021-1031.
Ferrier-Pagès, Christine; Martinez, Stephane; Grover, Renaud; Cybulski, Jonathan; Shemesh, Eli; Tchernov, Dan. (2021) "Tracing the trophic plasticity of the coral-dinoflagellate symbiosis using amino acid compound-specific stable isotope analysis". Microorganisms.
Jonathan D. Cybulski, Stefan Husa, Nico Duprey, Briony Mamo, Moriaki Yasuhara, Jian-Wen Qiu, David M. Baker. (2020) “Coral reef diversity losses in China’s Greater Bay Area were driven by regional stressors.” Science Advances. 10.1126/sciadv.abb1046
Duprey, Nicolas; Wang, Tony; Kim, Taihun; Cybulski, Jonathan; Vonhof, Hubert; Crutzen, Paul; Haug, Gerald; Sigman, Daniel; Martínez-García, Alfredo; Baker, David. (2019). “Megacity development and the demise of coastal coral communities: evidence from coral skeleton δ15N records in the Pearl River Estuary.” Global Change Biology.
LaRoche, Carly, Benjamin Goldstein, Jonathan D. Cybulski, Laurie J. Raymundo, Lillian R. Aoki, Kiho Kim. (2018). “A decade of change in Enhalus acoroides seagrass meadows in Guam, Mariana Islands.” Marine and Freshwater Research.
MacAvoy, S. E., Cortese, N. , Cybulski, J.
, Hohn, A. A. and Macko, S. A. (2017). “Sources of stable isotope variation among stranded Western Atlantic dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in North Carolina.” Mar Mam Sci, 33: 1224-1234.
Cybulski, Jonathan D.
(2013). “Transportation Infrastructure Resiliency: A Review of Transportation Infrastructure Resiliency in Light of Future Impacts of Climate Change.” No. DOT-VNTSC-14-02.
Raymundo, L.J., B. Goldstein, D. Baker, K. Kim, S. McIlroy, P. Thompson, V. Lapacek, N. Duprey, J. Cybulski,
C. LaRoche, N. Geeraert. (2018). “Atlas of the Nearshore Shallow Benthic Habitats within the Manell-GeusHabitat Focus Area.” University of Guam Marine Laboratory Technical Report No. 163. Produced for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Cybulski, Jonathan D., Judith L. Rochat, and David R. Read. (2013). “Roadway Departure Warning Indicators: Synthesis of Noise and Bicycle Research.” No. NPS/NSNS/NRTR—2013/780.
Zevitas, Christopher D., Jonathan D. Cybulski,
and Eileen McNeely. (2012). “Evaluating the health benefits of natural sounds: an approach for assessing the environmental impacts of transportation noise.” INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2012. No. 2. Institute of Noise Control Engineering, 2012.
Petho, k. L., Christopher d. Zevitas, Adam Klauber, and Jonathan D. Cybulski. (2011) “Greenhouse Gas Emissions Modeling: A Tool For Federal Facility Decommissioning.” Proceedings of The Annual International Conference On Soils, Sediments, Water And Energy. Vol. 16. No. 1.
Jonathan D. Cybulski, Inga Conti-Jerpe, David. M Baker. “Dual traced isotopes reveal Carbon and Nitrogen nutrient cycling in Porites Lutea and provide insights for historical reconstructions.” Limnology and Oceanography – in preparation.
Jonathan D. Cybulski
and Carmen Wong, David M. Baker. “Human influence across spatial scales to Dongsha Atoll’s Coral reefs tracked by Carbon and Nitrogen isotopes” Coral reefs – in preparation.